10 Reasons why riding motorcycles is better than driving cars Trip Machine Company

Picture Courtesy: SplitShire via Pixabay

Riding a Motorcycle is a Way of Life. It’s the only way to travel in my dictionary. If you still need convincing, read the below reasons:


1. You are one with the Real World:

On a ride, you are one with the world Trip Machine Company

Picture Courtesy : Why We Ride via Facebook

A rider feels hot in the summers, feels cold in the winters and gets drenched in the rains. A rider smells only what nature has to serve. On a bike, you are always one with nature and a part of the universe.

However, in that cage called a car, you only feel the air conditioner and smell your car perfume.

Robert M Pirsig stated in his famous book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:

“In a car you're always in a compartment, and because you're used to it you don't realize that through that car window everything you see is just more TV. You're a passive observer and it is all moving by you boringly in a frame. 
On a cycle the frame is gone. You're completely in contact with it all. You're in the scene, not just watching it anymore, and the sense of presence is overwhelming.” 


2.  You can customize it to your personality:

 You can customize your motorcycle to your personality Trip Machine Company

Picture Courtesy : BikeExif

Buying your dream bike is only the beginning. It is making it yours, that is the fun part. The bike you ride is a part of your personality, and so should reflect who you are.

Rarely are bikes used with the same parts with which it was bought. Bikers have the options of changing just about anything. You can change the exhausts to suit your sound preference. You can change the handlebars and seats to change the riding posture.

Apart from changing, you also have the option of adding extras to your bike. If you prefer to carry luggage, you can add saddlebags. You can add a sissy bar to make your pillion more comfortable.

And it doesn’t stop at customizing the bike, you match your gear to your ride. You helmet, riding jacket, riding shoes, riding bag all complement each other and your bike.

 On a car, the options are few and very limited. Given the shape of the vehicle, there is not much, one can do on a car. No matter how expensive your car, in most cases, it will look exactly like your neighbors. Matching you attire to your car is just unheard of.


3. Bikers are safer Riders:

 As the biker saying goes: DRESS FOR THE CRASH, LIVE FOR THE RIDE

Bikers are more conscious of the road than car drivers. It’s probably because they run a higher risk of hurting themselves incase of an accident. Riding also makes your body coordination much better.

If you still don’t agree, think of the last time you saw a Rider texting on phone while riding?


4. Chicks love Bikers:

Chicks dig bikers Trip Machine Company

Picture Courtesy: DymphieH via Flikr

Chicks dig Bikes and dig Bikers even more. There is just something about a bike that is so attractive. Rarely, will you find a lady who has not sat on the back of a bike in her prime. What more, its also much more cozy as you sit closer. Your bike is the perfect companion to that adventurous date.


5. Riders have lesser traffic woes:

Traffic Jams are caused by our friends’ driving their 4 wheel cages. Co-incidentally they are also the ones, who suffer the most because of traffic jams.Bikes owing to their agility and maneuverability get slowed down in traffic but are rarely halted.

So the next time you are riding in a traffic jam, wave at the drivers in cars, before you zip past him. 

6. Its mental therapy:

Sometimes it will take a full tank of fuel and open roads to clear your mind but it will always work. If you had a bad day at work or just broke up with your girlfriend, riding your bike is just the solution.

So fire your therapist today and buy parts for your motorcycle.

7. It’s just more Fun:

Every morning, I come across hundreds of grumpy faces driving their cars to work. While returning in the evening, I still find the people in cars to be grumpy and hence my conclusion is that, it is not the work or stress that is ruining their mood, it is the fact that they have to undertake the boring car trip everyday.

Now, compare that to the last time you saw a grumpy face on a bike. Riding is Fun, Period! There is something intriguing about a motorcycle, which always brings a smile to ones face.

8. No Parking Problems:

Parking is a luxury for Car Owners but is a freebie for a biker. Bikers don’t have go through the pain of finding a parking spot. They simply ride into the busiest streets and park at their convenience.

Even in areas where parking is paid, a biker will always find a spot but the same cannot be said about parking cars.

What more, parking Bikes also cost much less than parking cars.

9. Bikers stick Together:

Bikers stick Together Trip Machine Company

Picture Courtesy : Wikipedia

Brotherhood and Bikers go hand in hand. Even if you prefer to ride solo, you still have close biker friends. There is an unsaid bond that bikers have. They just feel the joy and pain of a fellow biker.

Riding your motorcycle gives you a sense of belonging to a family of like-minded people.


10. Riding is COOL with a Capital C:

Given a choice, I would ride down on my first date on a Royal Enfield than on a Mercedes. Its just much more cool. No matter what car you drive, you can never match the coolness of arriving on a bike.

All cool characters in movies ride motorcycles, James Dean in Rider Without a Cause, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator, Hugh Jackman in X-Men. I know of cool car movies but can never really think of a character having the same impact as any of the biker characters.


These are our 10 reasons. Please add yours in the comments below


Please check out our Collection of Premium Leather Goods for your motorcycles by clicking on the link below


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I Duke to be more precise, not a RE. ;-)

— Floyd

Sorry but i cannot agree to any of the points above… bullshit!

— Dawg

DRESS FOR THE CRASH, LIVE FOR THE RIDE…. Very well stated and phrased

Every Rider keeps this phrase atleast in mind ….

There are many more phrases which were superb

— Hozefa Gilitwala

Thanks for ur information ..!!
This is basha and I am passion in riding a bullet Royal Enfield , I woned classic 350 but still I am not satisfied what I have a my heart want buy another cafe racer in royal enfild . I need suggest that is it my physiological problem of have crzzey on RE or is having same problem for everyone ……!!! If it is common then how can I go for second one ?? Don’t care price ? Or buying new or going second ? Which best ? Suggest please

— basha oreao

Thanks for ur information ..!!
This is basha and I am passion in riding a bullet Royal Enfield , I woned classic 350 but still I am not satisfied what I have a my heart want buy another cafe racer in royal enfild . I need suggest that is it my physiological problem of have crzzey on RE or is having same problem for everyone ……!!! If it is common then how can I go for second one ?? Don’t care price ? Or buying new or going second ? Which best ? Suggest please

— basha oreao