By Vijay Krishnan

Sept 25, 2020

The Distinguished Gentleman’s ride is rolling on to its ninth edition this Sunday with Gentlefolk all around the world pressing their tweeds and preparing their steeds. This year will however be a far cry from the usual dapper social event. The DGR is another one of the casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic as social distancing norms mean DGR 2020 is more of a solo ride or a ride with just your pillion. 

The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation

So this year is basically a casual Sunday ride…as if you were riding to the oscars. It might sound pretentious to the laymen but the fact of the matter is the cause and the goal of the event. 
So why should you bother suiting up at all? We have a few good reasons for ya :-
1. Break the Stereotype
    Bikers are all not raging drunks or pirates on two wheels. The typical leather-clad, trouble mongering hells angel is just a small percentage of bikers, while the majority of the folks who love motorcycles are the nicest people you can meet. Although straight out of the Honda playbook, the statement does hold water, more so in the modern dog eat dog world. What better way to drive this point home than to suit up and make the image of the biker more “gentle”.
    The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation
    2. Break out that Suit
    What are you saving that neatly tailored suit for anyway?? Your best buddies’ wedding reception party over zoom? Get it out and get it primed, you’re gonna ride in style this week.
    The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation
    3. Make your Sunday ride one for a great cause
    In a time like this when kindness and sharing is what the world desperately needs, its high time we start caring for our fellow beings. Helping find cure for prostate cancer while riding through the streets of your city in style? Let’s admit, it doesn’t get much better than that. 
    The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation
    Every dollar you help raise will go towards the prostate cancer research and men’s health programs that will save countless lives in the future. It also promotes awareness for Men’s health which is often overlooked among other more “important” attributes.
    The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation

    4. A great photo opportunity

    Cleaning up for a photo sesh is something that many shy away from or not care to do. However, like they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Leave something for the next generation to see and behold - a great photo with your beloved motorcycle.


    The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation


    5. Win a brand new Triumph Motorcycle

      Conditions do apply here obviously. Be one of the top 4 Donating individuals from this year’s ride and stand a chance to win yourself a brand new Triumph Motorcycle. The winner will be the proud owner of a brand new Triumph Thruxton RS. And they say good deeds don’t pay in motorcycles!
       The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation

      We will miss riding out among the gentlefolk this year as it has been something we have thoroughly enjoyed since the first time we took part.

      The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020 DGR Movember Foundation

      It has been a difficult year, but the show must go on!

      Don't forget to take a photo or two and let us know if you are riding out to support the cause this Sunday.


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