They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Some make us laugh, some make us cry, while others are powerful enough to inspire movements and revolutions. The latter is certainly true for this image:

5 Reasons to Participate in The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride '15 - Trip Machine Company

Photo Credit: The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Inspired by this photo of Mad Men’s Don Draper on a classic bike and wearing his finest suit, the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride was founded in 2012 in Sydney Australia.

It was decided a themed ride would be a great way to combat the often-negative stereotype of men on motorcycles, whilst connecting niche motorcycle communities together. The first ride itself brought together over 2,500 riders across 64 cities, which encouraged the founders to consider how the event could be used to support a worthy cause. And the rest, as they say, is eloquently attired history.

In 2013, over 11,000 riders participated in the event in 145 cities around the world and raised over $277,000 for prostate cancer research. In 2014 this number went up to over $1.5 million (USD), with over 20,000 gentlefolks participating around 257 cities in 58 countries.

So what should be your reasons to join the ride this year? Here are five compelling reasons to help you make up your mind and pick up that fine-tailored suit gathering dust in your wardrobe:


1. Break the Stereotype

Joining the DGR could be your opportunity to break away from that ‘Rogue Biker’ image, and expose that gentlemanly side of you to the world. Let everybody know that bikers are not just some thrill-seeking, law-breaking, menace makers that they are so often made out to be in the popular media. Bikers are civilized people too, in-fact more so and more often than the cagers dealing with the outside world from their climate-controlled comfort. After all, why shouldn’t you put your fine mannerisms on display when you own a fine machine? As far as Classic bikes are concerned, the machine and the mannerism, both go hand-in-hand. And it’s high time the world takes a note of that. This is your chance to be the instrument of that image makeover.


2. Look Dapper

Riders are so in love with their machines that they often run the risk of ignoring their own well-being and spruce. When you ride a classic steel-horse such as a Royal Enfield or a Triumph, you have to pay attention to your attire as well. You simply can’t afford to dress shabbily. The man must look well suited for the machine. Besides, what are you saving that neatly tailored silk suit for anyway?? Your best buddies’ wedding reception party? Get it out and get it primed, you’re gonna ride in style. And yeah, while you’re at it, you might pay some attention to your facial hair as well, get those primed and trimmed as well. Who knows, you might end up winning a coveted prize for them. Trust me, it’s worth your while. After all, it’s not just the bike that needs polishing.


3. Ride with the Gentlefolk

5 Reasons to Ride in the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride'15 - Trip Machine Company

Photo Credit: The Royal Mavericks

Being a rider can get lonely sometimes. Time to meet up with your fellow brethren and put on exhibition the classic camaraderie, only classic bike rider could share. No chest thumping or fretting over petty issues such as the top speed or miles per gallon. Those conversations are for amateur riders. No one gets a Royal Enfield or a Triumph cause they’re impressed by their top speeds or supposed fuel-efficiency. Riders get these bikes because they come with a soul, engraved with a history of excellence and workmanship. Powered not just by gasoline, but by the spirit and toils of a dream. A dream to break free and yet be in absolute control. Besides, how could you let go of a chance to ride with the city’s finest, and we’re not just talking about the Cafe Racers, the Scramblers and the trackers but anything which has been eloquently maintained to be ridden.

Who knows you might just meet that rider friend you never had.


4. Become a Well – Dressed Superhero

Riding through the thick and thin of your surroundings, weathering the harsh conditions of the world out there, awareness comes naturally to you. Every rider has to depend on one thing other than his machine and his own ingenuity, and that is the kindness of a stranger, for that one-off situation, when things don’t go according to plan. And if you’ve been riding for a while now, you know what we’re talking about. It’s about time you shared that awareness and Kindness with the rest of the world. Helping find cure for prostate cancer while riding through the streets of your city in style? Let’s admit, it doesn’t get much better than that. Every dollar you help raise will go towards the research that will save countless lives in the future. Save so many families from the agony of an irreplaceable loss of a loved one. Let the hero in you take over.


5. Get a New Triumph

5 Reasons to Ride in the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride'15 - Trip Machine Company

Photo Credit: Kawin Chailerd via Flikr

Yes, you heard it right. Help raise more than $200 and you stand a chance of taking home a brand New Triumph Thruxton. This 900cc beast of a machine could be perched in your parking lot come this Sunday, although we certainly would appreciate your sensibilities, if you felt this classic beast was better suited for your living room. We both know you were kinda planning to get a new bike this year anyway.

Here are some glimpses of last years’ ride from around the world, just to set your spirits right…


We will be joining the Delhi Chapter of the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride, which is being hosted by The Royal Mavericks.

In case you would like to join the Gentlefolk this Sunday in your city, register for the ride by clicking on the link below:



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